Toki Tover

Simple Kitten Care Guide Week By Week: Including A Vet checklist

kitten care guide week by week

The first 6 weeks are super important in a cat’s life. This will determine their character and personality for life. As kittens, they are not immune to threats like fleas, or upper respiratory infections. So, health and their development are vital. They grow so fast during this time period and it’s so amazing to watch.

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What To Expect When Your Cat Is Pregnant: The Mysteries of Birth & Pregnancy

What To Expect When Your Cat Is Pregnant

Your cat is expecting and you’re wondering what’s going to happen and what you can do to prepare. Understand, we’re not really supposed to intervene with the birthing of kittens unless something goes wrong or there’s a problem. But it’s always a good idea to do some preparations in case you need to intervene. I

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